title: Training slug: index descripion: training
Naomi Ceder is the author of The Quick Python Book, Third Edition. Naomi Ceder earned a Ph.D in Classics, but, since 2001, has been learning, teaching, and using Python. An elected fellow of the Python Software Foundation, Naomi currently serves as chair of its board of directors. She also speaks internationally about the Python community, and on inclusion and diversity in technology in general. By day she leads a team of Python programmers for Dick Blick Art Materials, and in her spare time she enjoys sketching, knitting, and deep philosophical conversations with her dog.
Contact Naomi:
Iteration Inside Out (Europython 2018
Course materials
Intermediate Python (2018, Bloomberg)
List of links relating to diversity and inclusion
My raw, mostly unfiltered list of bookmarks relating to diversity can be found here.
To add a link or links, please create an issue.
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