
I'll be using this space for various projects I'm involved with:

Cultivating Community Leadership

I plan to spend more time working directly with communities and their leadership to help them develop sustain-ably and create sound policies and practices.

More information is here.


I am one of the co-founders of Trans*Code, and on-going series of hackdays (mostly) in the UK, which aims to build community and foster tech education and skills for transgender and non-binary folks.

PyCon Charlas

I was one of the people behind the creation and organization of las Charlas, the Spanish language track at PyCon US.

PyCon Hatchery

I've served as the chair the chair of the Hatchery, a program of PyCon US which enables people from the community to submit proposals for new events/tracks at PyCon.

Python Software Foundation

I am a past chair of the Python Software Foundation.